Importance of LASIK Surgery Near Me

LASIK Surgery


Losing the sharpness of vision with age is natural. Unfortunately, many individuals have to correct their vision with artificial aids to see properly. Statistics reveal that almost 45,000 Americans have trouble seeing correctly. Sure, there are correctional procedures that work beautifully. But you will be amazed to know that a laser aided procedure that had been introduced in the 1990s has retained its popularity. Do not hesitate to look for LASIK surgery near me when you want to get rid of farsightedness or nearsightedness. Lasik surgery will also correct astigmatism. The shape of your cornea will be revised as needed.

You can always check with an eye doctor of repute to know the benefits associated with laser procedures for correction of vision. You will be pleased to learn the following:

  1. Vision Correction– The most obvious advantage of having a LASIK procedure is a correction of vision. It may not be able to restore 20/20 vision if you have been wearing eyeglasses for a long time though. However, several patients report that they can see clearly from a distance of 20 feet or more. LASIK has been likened to a miracle with patients being able to throw off their glasses and contact lenses. Yet the facts are not quite so great. The reality is that a majority of patients have to continue wearing glasses but the sharpness of vision improves appreciably with 80% of the patients being satisfied with the outcome.
  2. Painless– The idea of making an incision on the eye is unsettling but you will not feel a thing courtesy of the numbing drops. The entire procedure is likely to go off smoothly and you may only feel a little pressure periodically. The no pain option has contributed o its popularity as well.
  3. Quick Results– There is no recuperation involved. You will be able to leave the eye clinic on the same day and be able to see properly in 3-4 days. You may not require to put on your glasses again. Even if need the glasses or contacts, you will be happy to limit their use. You would be able to resume your lifestyle within days after the surgery. Do listen to the eye surgeon’s advice, however. Follow the precautions and you are going to be right as rain.
  4. Improved Self Confidence– Many individuals tend to feel self-conscious about wearing eyeglasses in public. Your self-esteem may take a beating. Correct it instantly by opting for LASIK surgery. You will soon feel confident about taking part in a host of activities without feeling the need for wearing eyeglasses.
  5. Relief from Allergies– Itchy eyes that redden and water every season is the outcome of seasonal allergies. Such conditions get aggravated by contact lenses that irritate the eyes and trap pollen. You are plagued with hay fever as a result. You do not have to cover your eyes as much after undergoing the LASIK process anymore. This will have a relaxing effect on your eyes and you will be able to lead a normal life without allergies.

It is advisable to contact a professional reputed for performing LASIK surgery near me

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