What to do after taking customer feedback

customer feedback

Customer feedback is as essential as offering good customer service. Of course, you provide a quality product along with top-grade customer assistance. However, the client doesn’t have to perceive the same, or some might not find you on par with the industry standards. Then how to learn and grow your service? Customer feedback helps you reflect well on your company’s behaviour and change it as per the needs of the audience. It is like a self-reflection of your organisation as a whole. Here, you will learn about how efficiently to put feedback to use!

The response

The foremost step – even before resolving the client’s issues is to acknowledge their problems first. It gives the client a sense of comfort and support. Unfortunately, over 90% of the businesses do not respond with any acknowledgement emails. Setting up an automated message saying that you have received the email and will get back shortly will not take any additional effort or time! It is a one-time investment in automating the message before sending it to the masses.

Company-wide training

There should be training for all teams in the company on how to handle their client’s feedback. A briefing about the basics of customer service will save you from losing many projects and thousands of dollars. Discuss what the feedback has been recently and how it affects the business. Also, train them about how to communicate with the clients and maintain the decorum of the organisation. Usually, email exchanges are professional means of interaction. Find the client’s email addresses through email search tools like GetEmail.io to initiate a conversation. Its chrome extension to Gmail and Linkedin makes it easy to find an email address by name.

The negative feedback

Feedback creates a great opportunity to understand how the business is behaving in the market. Especially when you receive negative feedback, it depends on how you take it and work on it constructively. Your quick response to the negative feedback ensures that the customer sticks to the brand without switching to the competitor. Collect the feedback with every interaction you have with the client. Once done, segregate them as per the issues and share them with the relevant stakeholders. When you have a said system in place, it becomes easier to resolve the concerns, and you can respond efficiently.

The positive feedback

Positive feedback drives more business to the organisation. Who wouldn’t want to listen to compliments from the customer?! Use them to showcase them on your website too. Over 82% of the clients trust a person’s advice more than the brand’s advertisement or message. Positive feedback can always create an opportunity for intensive marketing campaigns. Apart from adding their response as a testimonial on your website, you can also use these for entertaining content. Gift them with goodies and present discounts and offers to attract new customers.

Final thoughts

Hope you find these points interesting, and you can put them to use in your day-to-day activities. Are there any other points you can contribute? Let us know in the comments section.

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