Different Types of Roofing You Should Know About

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Roofing adds a lot more to your home than security, it can offer you a design theme. A lot of people prefer renovating their roofing to completely overhaul the way their house looks. And the good news is, every other roofing company available in your vicinity has the experience and expertise to cater to your custom exterior decor needs.

We don’t think much of the same either. Today, let’s look at the various types of roofs we can have over the head.

  • Flat roof

Just as the name suggests, the roofing is flat with a very slight inclination. You don’t get to see the surface unless you are standing higher than the roof. The roof can consist of pouring bitumen on its concrete surface. Here bitumen is felt, tiles are used on a truss.

This type of roof is popular and simple. The installation is easy and quite affordable for all. By incorporating cold-pour resins or bituminous felt, it can be made waterproof. This contributes to minimal materials which do not need a large truss to support. But it is prone to leakage since water flows at a much slower rate. 

  • Pitched Roof 

The pitched roof is sloped on its sides and is one of the most common of its kind. It has been around for hundreds of years now. The sloping nature is what adds form and function. However, there are two types of sloping roofs – high and low. The high-pitched roof has a 70-degree sloping angle.

The low pitch roof looks flat from a distance. In low pitch, the angle of slope is between 10 to 20 degrees. Higher pitches are easier for water, ice, snowfalls, dust, and debris to side off. High pitch roofing requires more material than low pitch roofing. 

  • Gambrel Roof

A Gambrel roof comes with four sides or surfaces. Every side has two parts. The first one is gentle, while the next section has a higher pitch. This type of roof has vertical gable ends. A portion of the roof is nearly flush with the facade. The design is such that a lot of space is created inside the truss. It has a classic design, due to which people love to have a gable roof.

Nonetheless, it offers extra space and complexity that requires lots of materials and skills to build.

  • Gable Roof

It is the kind of pitched roof that comes with two connected sides via the ridge. It consists of two flats and slopes inwards on the longer side. The sidewall features a roof. The top section of the gable roof is triangular. The only visible part of the roof from the sidewall is the fascia.

According to a good roofing company, people tend to choose this roof style for their home decoration, office, factory, and other areas. Gable roof is famous because of its simplicity and structural integrity. To some people, it looks plain due to sidewalls. 


So these are some noted types of roofing we tried to discuss. Contact a roofing company when you are planning to have a construction made for some purposes. They will guide you to have the best choice. We hope you find this piece of article worth reading. If the information we provide serves you a purpose, our purpose of writing is fulfilled.

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